Waterbrook Prize for Landscape Art 2024

Untitled Design (12)

1 Short St, Bowral NSW, Australia
Event Date: 4 May – 19 May 2024, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

The Waterbrook Prize for Landscape Art is proudly presented by Waterbrook Bowral. This annual prize attracts both local and interstate artists and is one of the most anticipated exhibitions on the BDAS schedule.

The show features landscape art in various forms and styles, offering a high standard of works that will captivate and intrigue gallery visitors. All artworks are available for purchase.

Curated by Kim Shannon, the 2024 judge is Jacqueline Balassa. The People’s Choice Award is generously provided by Ashbourne Moss Vale, so don’t forget to cast your vote.

Join us for the opening and prize presentation on Friday, May 3 at 6 pm. All are welcome!

Images pictured
Renewal by Denise Sumner winner 2023
Landscape 2 by Lucinda McDonald second place


1 Short St, Bowral NSW, Australia
P. 48614093
E. office@bdasgallery.com
W. www.bdasgallery.com